Sunday, November 21, 2021

Apples, Leaves and Owls in the OC- Meghan and Christine

 This week we wrapped up our fall unit with apple bingo, leaf observational drawings and egg carton owls. Next week we will focus on things we are thankful for as we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday.

We are continuing to work on letter recognition with the kids and on Monday we played apple alphabet bingo. The kids really enjoy playing games in class and this is a super fun way to introduce and reinforce academic concepts.

On Wednesday the kids chose a dried leaf to draw and then water color. We talked about looking at the shape, parts and color of a leaf before drawing and painting. 

On Friday, we made super cute egg carton owls. The kids are masters with a hot glue gun and they happily glued on squeeze bottle tops eyes, earth tone feathers for the bodies and pipe cleaners for the feet. The owls are on display in our display case in the hallway. Take a peek when you have a chance! 

The kids enjoyed the kinetic sand so much we kept it in the water tub for the beginning of the week. For the second half of the week we put in a inflatable turkey, cranberries, rosemary and turkey basters so the kids could make a holiday feast! 

At the light table the kids enjoyed working on their fine motor skills to sort and match translucent plastic leaves with tongs.

In the middle of the week we switched out the vehicles in our texture table for clay pots with turkey features and brightly colored feathers. 

At the building table this week we had mirrors and zoobs. The zoobs have suction cups on the ends of them and are a new fun way to build and create! 

The kids really enjoy playing games with each other. We switch games out regularly to keep the kids engaged and interested. 

Creation Station continues to be a very popular area in the classroom. We love to see all of the things that the kids make each week.

Friendships continue to blossom in the classroom. Even our furry friend gets a lot of love and attention.

The classroom is busy and buzzing with activity. Here are a few photos of your sweet kids in action.

This week at circle time we did a variety of activities, songs and stories. We played a game called "Jack in the box" which the kids loved. We did our first friendship circle and discussed things we are thankful for and kept our bodies moving with yoga and movement activities.

We had such a fun week with your kids! Just a reminder we DO have school on Monday the 22nd and Wednesday the 24th.

We are thankful for your wonderful kids!

Meghan and Christine

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