Sunday, September 15, 2019

Welcome to Preschool! YC - Teacher Lisa

We had a delightful week welcoming you and your children (back) to Small Friends! Our goal for this first week, and the reason we only had half of the class each day, was that everyone would explore the classroom and experience the routines in a calm environment with lots of adult support. We think that everyone had a very successful first day :).

During our free play time, children enjoyed dumping and pouring at our texture table and water tub.

They learned how to access all of the different materials at our creation station.

They used a variety of gadgets to make group murals. These are hanging in the classroom, so please come in and take a look!

They explored the toys in our carpet/housekeeping area.

They made birthday cakes at the play dough table and played games with new friends.

They got to know our sweet guinea pigs, Scarlet and Ginger.

They practiced taking responsibility and being independent.

During our carpet time we met Little Mousy Brown and read a funny book called Bark, George!  Ask your child to tell you what Mousy Brown was making and what silly sounds George made :). 

We played instruments and learned some breathing/stretching techniques.

We went out to play in both the rain and the sunshine.

It was such a fun week! We hope your little one felt great about their day and is as excited as we are to be back together again on Tuesday!

We'll see you soon,
Lisa and Sheri

1 comment:

  1. As a "far away" grandma, I'm delighted to see the photos..makes me feel close by. Thanks so much! Ava B's grandma:)
