Sunday, September 19, 2021

A Wonderful First Week of School in the OC - Teacher Lisa

It was GREAT to be back together again and we had so much fun during our first week of school!

We did a partner golf ball painting activity on Monday which was a nice way to get acquainted with a new friend.

On Wednesday we decorated Memory Boxes using jewels, paint dots and markers. These special boxes stay at school all year and we put things in them each month to remind us what we did at school. At the end of the year, everyone will have a collection of memories to take home.

Friday we went out side with magnifying glasses and checklists to see how many items we could find on a nature scavenger hunt. Checklists came home in your child's school bag - maybe you found some of the items around your yard as well!

Other things happening around the classroom included lots of scooping, dumping and pouring at the water and texture tables.

Children enjoyed using the Creation Station and Writing Center.

Here are some of the other toys they enjoyed:

Scarlet and Ginger got lots of snuggles and snacks.

At our carpet/dramatic play area there were puppet shows, lots of dressing up, and many opportunities for collaboration and group play.

The kids are all doing such a good job wearing their masks around the classroom and staying distanced at our snack time!

Some of the books we read were, Pete the Cat, Norman, the Slug with the Silly Shell, Preschool to the Rescue, and Splat the Cat's First Day of School. We sang about animals on a school bus, learned some new yoga poses, acted out a story called, Sitting in My Box, and played rhythm sticks.

We loved the beautiful weather and our time together with friends from the other class out on the playground.

In the coming week we will be doing lots of activities about sunflowers. We can't wait to see everyone again Monday morning!


Teachers Lisa and Jelena


  1. Oh I love this so much! Thank You for taking such good care of Monroe.

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