Sunday, November 3, 2019

Happy Halloween in the OC- Teacher Meghan

We had a wonderful couple of days wrapping up our Halloween theme. We made Q-tip skeletons, found alpha-bats hidden all over the room and created magic potions. As a class we made a witches brew at circle time as our culminating Halloween activity.

On Monday the kids made skeletons out of Q-tips. We loved how these turned out!

On Halloween the kids made magic potions. They added a bunch of spooky items to their potions including a skull ring, spiders and glitter.

Our second activity on Halloween was making monster quesadillas. It was hard to tell if the kids had more fun making the quesadillas or eating them!

One activity we had available this week was finding alpha-bats hidden around the classroom. This was such a fun way to work on letter identification.

The kids loved the wind up toys and Halloween themed activities we had available around the room.

Our busy artists let their imaginations run wild at creation station and the play dough area.


The Popoids at the building table were a huge hit this week!

Bright orange water and translucent jack-lantern pieces kept things festive in the classroom.

The kids looked so cute playing in their costumes on Wednesday.

At circle time we made a witches brew. Each child added juice to our cauldron while we said a special poem. Next we added a secret magic ingredient (dry ice) that made the brew smoke and bubble. We enjoyed our witches brew during snack time!

We love these sun cold days for recess fun!

Halloween has disappeared from the classroom and Fall fun has arrived with leaves and apples!
See you on Monday,
Meghan and Christine

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