Sunday, November 10, 2019

It's Fall, Ya'll! Leaves, Apples and Owls in the YC - Teacher Lisa

This week we made beautiful leaves out of paper towels, tasted apples, made baby owls and did some leaf sorting. There are signs of fall all around our classroom.

There was kinetic sand in our tub, along with different types of wooden tree builders, toy squirrels and chestnuts. 

We exchanged texture tables with the other classroom and the kids LOVED playing in the flax seeds. Their soft, slippery texture makes them fly through the windmills!

Calico Critters were arranged in a dollhouse on the building table and acrylic leaves and nuts were collected and sorted at the light table.

There were new fall supplies out for our play dough and creation station table.

On Tuesday children learned how to use droppers to collect water color paint and then squirt it onto paper towel leaves. Their beautiful creations are hanging in our classroom, so please come in and see them!


At our other parent help table, they reached into a bag filled with popcorn kernels and felt around for little acrylic leaves to pull out. They sorted them by shape and color and practiced counting them.

We read Owl Babies on Tuesday and then Thursday everyone made their own baby owl out of pine cones. These adorable little critters are on display in our hallway case.

There were red, yellow and green apples to taste and after sampling a little of each, children chose their favorite and we made a class chart. We read it together during our carpet time and it's hanging in the hallway so you can see it, too! 


Here are some of the other ways your sweet kiddos spent their play time this week:


At the carpet we learned some new songs using rhythm sticks. We sang about apples, wide-eyed owls, squirrels with bushy tails, and falling leaves. We read Stuck, a silly story about a little boy who threw all kinds of things into a tree to get his kite down, and I'm Not Scared. Ask your child to tell you about the little owl who went walking through the forest in this story.


It was fun to go outside and play with friends.


During the next couple of weeks we will do more fall activities about leaves, squirrels and apples. Happy Fall, Ya'll!

Lisa and Sheri

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