Sunday, January 30, 2022

Waddling Penguins and Dancing Snowflakes in the YC - Teachers Jelena and Lisa

There is such a wonderful hum of activity in our classroom these days! Puppet shows, puzzles, and pizza orders are all trending right now in Room F.

Another popular spot is the play dough/creation station table. The kids like to make food for us to try and it's always delicious!

The kids have really been enjoying this fishing game. We had put it away for awhile and they were happy to see it back on the shelf.

They also pulled the marble maze out again this week - they love it!

It was our final week with snow, and we had some powdery Insta-snow, penguins and tea cups in the water tub (we've been singing a song about having a penguin to tea).

There were translucent Duplos out at the light table.

One of our teacher-directed activities this week was making snowflakes by stringing pony beads on pipe cleaners. Some friends used lots of beads and some were done after adding a few. All efforts were great!

Our other activity was sponge painting baby penguins. These whimsical little Picasso-esque creations are hanging in our classroom.

Along with the penguin/tea song mentioned above, we also pretended bean bags were Emperor Penguin eggs and tried to balance them on our feet while we sang a song about being a waddling penguin.

We danced and melted like snowmen, and then pretended our bean bags were snowflakes and sang a song about them landing in different places on our bodies.

Here are some more photos of all of the things going on during our free play time. We notice more friendships forming, and collaborative play is beginning to replace parallel play which is really fun to see!

Our babies and guinea pigs are well taken care of with this sweet class.

The cold temperatures and wind added some extra challenge to our outside snack time, but we managed to chase down everything that blew off the tables! Thank goodness for the sun.

In the coming week we will have some fun with Lunar New Year - it's the Year of the Tiger. Gung Hey Fat Choy!

We'll see you soon,

Lisa and Jelena

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