Sunday, March 1, 2020

Fe-Fi-Fo-FUM! Giants and Castles in the OC - Teacher Lisa

This week was all about beanstalks, castles and giants as our fairy tale theme got underway.

There was a castle in our texture table, along with dragons, knights, queens and princesses.

There were slotted castle-builders on the light table, and castles to submerge in glitter glue at our creation station.

Children got to build castles, along with all kinds of other cool structures using these awesome "Stick and Ball" builders. This fun lasted all week long!

They learned how to play a board game, rolling a colored die and drawing cards to see if they could get their player to the castle first.

After reading Jack and the Beanstalk together, children drew castles and then glued cotton-ball clouds underneath them.

On the next school day, they planted bean seeds, attached their castles to wooden stakes, and stuck them in the dirt. We took photographs of them pretending to be the giants at the top of the beanstalks and added these to their castles. These are in our windows and we hope to see the beanstalks sprouting soon!

Along with this planting theme, there was real dirt in our tub, as well as toy bugs, garden trowels, bug baskets and a little wheelbarrow.

On Friday, each child added a page to their notebooks, drawing and writing about what they would do if they found a hen who laid golden eggs, like Jack did in our story.

At our carpet time, we learned a song about nursery rhymes and got to take turns jumping over a candlestick like nimble Jack.

We tapped nursery rhymes out with the rhythm sticks and did some yoga.

It's been very exciting for those who have had their turn with Panda, and they are doing a great job sharing about Panda's adventures.

We got the bikes out this week and they have been a great addition to recess!

Next week we will continue with our fairy tale theme, delving into The Three Little Pigs. There is lots of huffing and puffing in our future :)

The month of March also brings activities about shadows, rainbows, Leprechauns and more! We're going to be busy between now and spring break...

Looking forward to seeing you all Monday!
Lisa and Sheri

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